Dear young people of Nigeria,

As a Minister, a leader, and one of your own, I am writing to appeal to your hearts and minds today. While I acknowledge the frustrations that drive the desire to protest, the narratives accompanying the planned protest and its faceless nature resemble those that often lead to destruction and chaos, setting our nation back. I, therefore, implore you to exercise some patience in this painful process poised to birth a prosperous Nigeria of our dreams that we all collectively crave. Consider the power of peaceful engagement, dialogue, and collaboration over protest and confrontation.
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his team are working hard to build a strong and prosperous future for us all. His commitment is absolute, and his policies are deliberate and well thought out. His love for the country cannot be questioned; soon enough, it will manifest in different areas of our lives.
At the Ministry of Police Affairs, we have made our programs people-centric, and they primarily revolve around our dynamic youths. We have engaged you and other members of local communities in multiple ongoing town halls, we feel the pulse, we have taken stock, and we have now developed a transformative roadmap for reforming the Nigeria Police Force. We are working to see to the emergence of a world-class Nigeria Police Force that is fit for the 21st Century, inclusive, community-based, intelligence-led, and technologically driven, while excelling in maintaining public safety, upholding the rule of law, and fostering community trust through transparent and accountable practices. 
We are making significant progress in expanding the human and technical capability of the NPF. There is a commitment to recruiting over 40,000 young Nigerians into the Force over the next years, and the planned recruitment for 2024 is already at an advanced stage. Welfare has been improved to boost officers' morale, and you can attest that there is an increasing level of discipline and professionalism in the Force. We have also partnered with the Ministry of Youths to create a platform for robust engagement between the NPF and the youth and serve as a grievance reporting channel. We have strengthened the Police Public Complaint Committee and enhanced the response time of the Complaint Response Unit of the NPF, both key platforms for lodging complaints against police officers from members of the public. We are closely monitoring complaints and ensuring closure in all cases. We urge you to engage with this team for any complaints or challenges relating to the NPF. 
Yes, our nation is at a crossroads, and we need your energy, creativity, and passion to drive positive change. But let us work together to find solutions that uplift and unite us rather than tear us apart.
Protests can easily be hijacked by criminal elements, leading to unintended consequences, causing harm to people and property, and creating divisions that are difficult to heal. Instead, let us engage in constructive conversations, listen to each other's perspectives, and work towards common goals.
By our collective will and collaboration, we can build a Nigeria that we are all proud of, one that offers hope, opportunity, and justice for every citizen.
God bless our youths.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Hon. Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim fsi CIPD MSPSP FDMSS
Honourable Minister of State Police 

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