Breaking : Igando Police Division Arrested Kidnappers Who Abducted A Two Years Old Baby In MFM Church - By Tony Okpe

 Acting on a credible intelligence on monday the 6th of may 2019, at about 0800 hours, the Divisional Police Officer, Igando Police Station, CSP Taiwo Kasumu led his plain cloth surveillance men on the trail of suspected kidnappers who abducted one baby Esther Ojo ‘f’ 2 years old from MFM regional Headquarters, Agege on 24th March, 2019 at 12:30pm. The kidnappers one Nwaigbo Magnus ‘m’ and Sixtus Osunwoke Egwim ‘m’ already demanded ransom of undisclosed amount from the parents of the baby and the church. The kidnappers continued to change the venue for the collection of ransom within Igando axis for over 4 hours until they were rounded up by the police. Upon interrogation, the DPO followed up on available information and the baby has been recovered from a hidden den and reunited with the parents, Mr and Mrs Jame Oladipo Ojo and well wishers all crying for joy. This is in furtherance of the commitment of the Lagos State Police Command to ensure a crime free Lagos that will be safe for all.

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