See Cultism As a Serious Crime Against Man and God - Pastor Jacob Shodeinde

The advice was giving-by stakeholders during the kick off of 21 day Youth Conference at The Saints Gospel Church of Christ ( Hand of Fire ), Igando, Lagos.

Pastor Shodiende said the youths as a matter of urgency should embrace God and do His will by abiding by his commandments:
” The General election is fast approaching and I want to beg the youths all over the country not to allow themselves to be used by politicians to cause violence. If you are an eligible voter, vote your conscience and go back home. Don’t remain at the? station. You are not the returning officer. If a politician meets you and pledges to pay you to cause confusion or electoral violence, reject the offer and run far. the investigation has shown that youths, including students and artisans, are now joining cult groups. This a losing threat to our existence.
” Parents, leaders of groups including, religious leaders, youth leader, should take the issue of cultism seriously. From cultism, they graduate to occultism and from occultism to bloodshed and this will not do us any good. I want our children to shun cultism and to listen to the positive word as evil communications corrupt good minds. I want those who have been initiated into cult groups to renounce their membership so that they will last longer and make heaven at last.
” I understand that many factors, such as joblessness pushed many of the youths to drugs and crime. But no matter how you see it, what is bad is really bad. In the Church, we have over 200 youths in our scholarship. one of them who is now a youth corp member is here with us. We have empowered many youths. our gestures have assisted in keeping them out of the streets and crime.
” It is our responsibility, to tell the truth. Our country is facing challenges, but things will be okay if we all should go on our knees to plead with God to forgive us our sins and turn to Him.
On her own, Professor Violet Atasie collaborated what Pastor Shoidende said, ‘ I quite agree that crime rate, especially cultism but it is not peculiar to Nigeria. There are reasons people go into crime. It may be depression or any other thing, but when you are in such a state, you should run to the church for advice and help. I know that when you have genuine reasons, the church will rehabilitate you and make you feel out
” I know the? carry out campaign against crime, Shoidende said especially cultism, but the government have a role to out The government should provide enabling environment for the youths to, The voter, are idle because there is no job. An idle mind you know is devils to plead The government should take the youths out of the streets by providing social truth.such as electricity. If there is a constant supply of Him.many of the youths should be busy with some works that will keep them out of crime. But that the government was not able to provide the necessary amenities does not give the youths the opportunity to the
” A child of God must not be involved in cultism. You must be a leading example that people will look youths, You must not be the in cultism because there is no benefit of joining cult groups. It brings sorrow and groups. It is a death sentence to Shoidende saidIf you read the cultism but you will see the reports on how people were being killed or maimed by rival cult groups .returning officer There is nothing good that will come out from cult and occultism .violence.We are begging that if you are already initiated, leader,voter, repent and renounce cultism. If you have not joined, always select reasonable friends that have the same ideology with idle because not the one that will pressurise you to join, cult group -
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