N13bn Ikoyi Apartment Fund: Osinbajo's panel quizzes suspended NIA DG
The presidential probe panel headÂed by Vice PresiÂdent Yemi Osinbajo,
again yesterday quizzed the suspended Director-General of the National
Intelligence Agency (NIA), Ayodele Oke.
The panel, sitting at the Presidential Villa, was empanelled by
PresÂident Muhammad BuÂhari to probe the about N13 billion in foreign
and local currencies by the Economic and FiÂnancial Crimes ComÂmission
(EFCC) in a residential apartment at Osborne Towers, Ikoyi, Lagos.
Oke, who appeared before the panel last Wednesday, had claimed that the stash of cash beÂlonged to the NIA.
The panel also conÂsists of the National Security Adviser, BaÂbagana Monguno; and the Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami.
It is also investigating the allegations of corÂruption against the
simiÂlarly suspended SecreÂtary to the Government of the Federation
(SGF), David Babachir Lawal, in the award of contracts under the
Presidential Initiative on the North East (PINE).
The committee is exÂpected to submit its reÂport by next week.-The Authority
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